Sunday, December 8, 2019

Communication Is Integral In Organisation †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Communication Is Integral In Organisation? Answer: Introduction Communication is integral in any organisation, hence it becomes crucial to determine and assess its style and methods(Shockley-Zalabak, 2011). Various communication styles and methods are used across organisations for determining effectiveness of work procedure. In order to become successful in an organisation it is essential that one evaluates and understands his own existing levels of communications. For applying appropriate communication skills and methods, it is critical that all methods and procedures are well learned. Learning of various styles of communication is not sufficient for determining effectiveness, its proper application also needs to be learnt. Evaluating various types and styles of communication provides that assertive style of communication is most applicable across all organisations, where thought processes are adequately communicated(Wood, 2015). The scope of this current report is a reflective analysis of communication styles and methods adopted. Post self-diag nosis there are ways included as well that can allow overcoming deficiencies and improve oneself in relevant skills of communications. Self-Diagnosis Globalisation has impended creation of a large role for communication, especially with emergence of diversity in customers, suppliers as well as in employee base. Challenges in communication have been mounting with rising complexity of multi-cultural communication(Eder, 2007). Though multi-cultural communication is one thing, major challenges in communication is faced mostly in balancing between verbal and non-verbal communications. While role verbal and non-verbal communication is critical it becomes important that verbal communication techniques are managed well. In cases of business communication appropriate verbal communication techniques are critical for enabling a positive role in the organisation. There are various types of verbal communication techniques as assertive, passive and aggressive, of which most effective one being assertive communication. Assertive communication style is most effective as it allows transfer ones ideas and thought processes effectively. In my curren t course there is immense transfer of knowledge that has taken place(Fook, 2007). My course content and professor has been guiding me through the several procedure and techniques in communication. I have learnt lot of ideas regarding ways and means to apply assertive communication skills. But while evaluating my practical application knowledge, I felt I lagged in various areas or domains in the same. For self-evaluation and analysis I have adopted various tools and techniques. The Big Five Questionnaire method, ESCI, Johari Window are certain tools that I adopted to gain insights regarding myself from my own ideas as well as from my colleagues(Boud, 2013). From analysis tools of these questionnaire and personality techniques I understood that I am an introvert person, hence I cannot easily express ideas as is required in Assertive style of communication. I lack in capabilities to easily interact with people and then consecutively expressing my ideas to them. I do not possess knowled ge as to how to easily start a conversation with a person and then take such conversation ahead. Hence, I need to practice mingling with people and making a large social circle such that I develop the habit to interact and follow on with a discussion. In my course there has been various classes in ways to make verbal communications effective, one of which is by effective non-verbal communications(Elliott, 2008). I have not been able to learn techniques of non-verbal communications effectively such that I will apply its skills. I lack in skills of effective non-verbal communication and in generating a positive gesture. I am an extremely shy person and unable to put forward a positive gesture towards persons I am interacting with. This has often hampered my unofficial communications as well. As people easily mistake me for a person who is ill-confident and lacks motivation. Though I am a motivated hard-working person with lot of confidence yet I have not been able to effectively express the same through my gestures(Govaerts, 2010). I need to do away with my negativity and apply positive body language which will help enhance my verbal communication skills as well. Though I have an English background and am well-conversant with the language yet being a student of management I lack knowledge of exquisite English words. I feel I have a limited vocabulary due to which I am not been able to write letters or memo in a fancy manner using lot of words that students of English easily can. I lack technical expertise in writing of letters, memos and other documents as well due to which I have low confidence in this regards(Welch M. ., 2007). I need to increase my vocabulary skills for the purpose of enhancing my professional career as later in my life I will need to document several letters and memos. My lack of confidence in the domain has created hurdle for me such that it has almost become impossible for me to exert the application of the subject. Though I am lagging behind but I can easily enhance my skill and become an effective personal in this domain. Self-Improvement Analysis of own self reflects several challenges faced that needs to be overcome. These lag areas highlighted in analysis portion needs to be overcome as they will allow establishing myself as an effective person in communication. I have designed a plan and technique for overcoming the challenges faced by the following recommendations(Welch M. , 2012). Overcoming the lag areas will be enhanced once I am able to get feedback from my professor regarding the steps that I need to follow for improvement. My professor in communication will be the best person who will guide me and provide me insights into ways in which these lag areas can be succumbed to. I will resort to self-help books from the library that can help overcome relevant challenges in communication. These books have been developed taking into account several case study analysis and includes materials from organisations around the globe. Case study books can also function as an essential tool that can guide development of comm unication skills that can be applied in business cases. These case studies provides valuable insights highlighting several challenges that had been faced previously(Zerfass, 2008). Methodology in overcoming them can provide a basis for development of myself. I have planned to take help from seniors and people who have passed from our university and are working in organisations. They will be able to guide me in a more practical and effective method for practicing ways and means to enhance communication techniques. Apart from all procedures to chart my plan for improvement and development, I will maintain a self-help journal. This journal will include my skills in business communication from time to time. I will obtain feedback regarding myself from friends, colleagues and professor and fill them in the journal and later review them. This updating of my self-reflection journal will allow me to trace my chart for development and advancement. In case these plans functions effectively th en I will be able to establish myself as a successful professional in business otherwise I have another plan to improvise myself in this field. In case after self-improvement also there remains areas in which I need to improve then I will take up a professional course in communication(Qian, 2008). A professional course in communication is available at our University and it will help me enhance my skill levels to highest possible levels such that I can emerge to a successful professional in the field. I will attempt to self-improvise in a serious manner as it is the only method in which I will be able to become a successful professional in business organisations. Conclusion Analysis of the above reflection in communication regarding self provides that there are many areas for improvement. While I have attended classes and undertaken several lectures as well as sessions in business communications, I feel that I can only overcome my application skills by gaining experience. No amount of knowledge can match up to the practical experience that I will gain in communication. Further improvising my skills with respect to communication will enhance my chances of becoming a successful professional in the field. In any business scenario, the first and foremost way to success is through application of appropriate skills to communicate. Hence, communication will help not only to enhance my professional career but will also allow me to establish myself as a confident and effective person in business. Reference Lists Boud, D. K. (2013). Reflection: Turning experience into learning. Routledge. Eder, M. K. (2007). Toward strategic communication. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS (ARMY) WASHINGTON DC. Elliott, I. . (2008). Independent self-construal, self-reflection, and self-rumination: A path model for predicting happiness. Australian Journal of Psychology, 127-134. Fook, J. . (2007). Challenges of critical reflection:Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Social Work Education, 520-533. Govaerts, S. V. (2010). Visualizing Activities for Self-reflection and Awareness. In ICWL, 91-100. Qian, Y. . (2008). A communication model of employee cynicism toward organizational change. . Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 319-332. Shockley-Zalabak, P. (2011). Fundamentals of organizational communication. Allyn Bacon. Welch, M. . (2007). Rethinking internal communication: a stakeholder approach. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 177-198. Welch, M. (2012). Appropriateness and acceptability: Employee perspectives of internal communication. Public Relations Review, 246-254. Wood, J. T. (2015). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters. . Nelson Education. Zerfass, A. (2008). Corporate communication revisited: Integrating business strategy and strategic communication. In Public relations research. VS Verlag fr Sozialwissenschaften., 65-96.

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